Children playing in classroom

Thumbs up from Feds

The Office of Head Start recently completed a triennial review of CSC’s Head Start and Early Head Start programs. The monitoring tool gathered information through interviews, observations and document reviews. Results of the triennial review demonstrate that CSC’s programs are in full compliance with the myriad of performance standards, laws, regulations, and policy requirements. No corrective action is required.
New this year the reviewers included in the report comments on CSC’s areas of strength. “CSC is outcome-driven, progressive and results-oriented while placing a high value on service, excellence, integrity, and quality of relationships,” summarizes their comments.
Additional comments included the following:

  • Head Start children consistently attain and even surpass agency goals’ to meet 80% of development in all learning domains
  • All parents engaged in a family partnership goal-setting process and consistently achieved their goals, which lead ultimately to independence and family stability
  • 100% of children enrolled were connected to an on-going source of health care and health insurance and 99% received preventive and on-going health care
  • CSC maintained quality classrooms with those directly-run classrooms accredited by the National Association of Education for Young Children and Middle States, both gold standards for quality
  • CSC demonstrates its commitment to rigorous program self-assessment and continuous quality improvement
  • CSC seeks innovative opportunities to build upon its services through partnerships, research, and special initiatives
  • CSC has strong partnerships in the community, including successful collaborations with school districts, Intermediate units/early intervention, childcare agencies, and Child Welfare to provide a varied schedule and choices for families
  • Local health care providers responded and contributed to the positive health status of all children because CSC established a method of communication, trust, and respect for families and their needs
  • More than 1000 families were referred and received needed additional resources in the community because of CSC’s strong partnerships with human service providers
  • CSC has an experienced, expect management team to support the implementation of all services to children and families.
  • Governing Board members are committed to the agency’s mission and are leaders in the community
  • CSC has an adept financial management team that successfully manages all funding streams without audit findings.

For more information contact Sara George, 610-437-6000, ext 2101; sgeorge@cscincorg.