Children playing in classroom

Rodale & St Luke’s Donley Awardees

Children’s Education Org Honors Rodale and St. Luke’s

Community Services for Children salutes outstanding individuals and organizations for their contributions toward improving the lives of children through The Inez and Edward Donley Award. The 2009 awardees are Mrs. Ardath Rodale for her outstanding lifetime assistance to children and St. Luke’s Hospital & Health Network for their on-going efforts to improve the health of the community, including indigent children.

The 2009 Children’s Gala & Donley Awards is CSC’s major fundraising event. It will be held Friday, September 11, 6 pm, at The Eastonian, adjacent to The Holiday Inn Express, off the 25th St exit of Rt 22, Palmer Twp. Tom Sparough, known as The Space Painter, is a juggler extraordinaire who invites audience participation as he weaves the story of struggles and triumphs of families.

Amy Burkett, host of PBS-39’s TEMPO series, will be master of ceremony at the event. Members of the Donley Children’s Gala Committee include Amanda Buss, David Ellowitch, Jane Ervin, Sara George, Donna Haggerty, Margot Hillman, Valerie Holt, Colby J. Kent, Kathy Leber, Helena Lindquist, Katie Loeb-Schwab, Shirley Miller, Linda Nabb, Peter Schurman, and Jared Steckel.

Individual tickets are $110. Sponsorships are available.

Head Start, one of CSC’s core services, is the nation’s premier early education program for indigent children. Other early education programs CSC provides includes Pre-K Counts Preschool, subsidized child care, and quality improvement services for early education providers in 13 counties.

For more information, call Sara George, 610-437-6000, ext 2101.