Paula Margraf, CSC CEO & President, was recognized by the National Head Start Association as the Head Start Advocate of the Month for October 2019. Congratulations Paula!
NHSA published the following article in their NHS happenings email this month.
Head Start practitioner Paula Margraf consistently goes above and beyond as a Head Start advocate. Paula serves as President/CEO of Community Services for Children in Allentown, PA, where she spearheaded the SafeStart Early Head Start program to help children and families experiencing trauma.
Paula brought her expertise to NHSA’s Opioid Working Group and has been a strong voice in the push for more support from Congress for Head Start programs to provide trauma-informed care and services.
Most recently, Paula worked with her local member of Congress, Rep. Susan Wild (PA-07), to participate in a forum on childcare in Allentown, PA. The community event featured federal, state, and local panelists, including House Committee on Education & Labor Chairman Bobby Scott (VA-03), who answered questions from nearly 150 community members.
NHSA applauds Paula Margraff [sic] for time and again contributing her expertise, innovative ideas, and dedication to strengthening Head Start communities.