Children playing in classroom

Mental Health Pro

At 34 months, Benjamin was throwing 30-minute trantrums every day in his early learning facility. CSC’s Early Childhood Mental Health Consultant was asked to observe Benjamin’s behavior. His teachers reported that they believed the problem began at home. Although he had always thrown tantrums, they were unmanageable since his mother had become pregnant again.

The consultant called the mother who reported that she was bedridden with a high-risk pregnancy. In addition her husband was out of town on business for six weeks. The consultant facilitated a change in Benjamin’s morning routine at the early learning facility and his mother asked his grandmother to help her with his bedtime routine. Within two weeks, Benjamin’s tantrums had decreased to two for the entire week, each lasting only a few minutes. No referral for additional services was needed.

Benjamin’s story is just one example of how early childhood mental health consultantion works. We know that up to 15% of young children exhibit chronic mild to moderate behavior problems, which, if not addressed, can lead to continuing problems as the child grows up. It is also estimated that less than 10% of young children receive the services they need for their problems. Banjamin was one of the lucky ones to receive the help he needed before it was too late.

CSC’s Northeast Regional Key currently has an Early Childhood Mental Health Consultant: Mary Joe Mastriani. She provides child-specific consultation to practitioners at early learning facilities. Mary Jo is part of a statewide effort coordinated by the Pennsylvania Key in a partnership between the state Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) and the Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services to promote the healthy social and emotional development (mental health) of young children. Mary Jo has a master’s in counseling and spent 11 years as a family therapist in private practice.

For more information, call 610-437-6000, ext 2320.