It is hard to believe that it has been three years since the inception of the Early Learning Resource Centers (ELRC) at Community Services for Children (CSC)! Each year, the ELRC’s serve approximately 20,000 children in the Child Care Works subsidized childcare program, across 17 counties in Pennsylvania. This program supports low-income working parents in accessing high quality care for their children allowing them to continue to work, attend school or job training. In addition, the ELRC’s have supported early childhood programs in improving the quality of the services they provide through the Keystone STARS program. Through the support and guidance of the ELRC’s, 356 programs have achieved the highest STAR level in the five regional areas we serve.
Over the course of the past 3 years, ELRC staff have worked hard to ensure that the families who come through our doors have access to all of the services they may need. Over 18,000 referrals have been made to connect families to community resources for housing, food, mental health services, and many others.
Like all staff at CSC, the individuals who work with the ELRC program are committed to creating the best possible outcomes for children and families in our communities. It is understood that quality early learning is the key to future success. On behalf of the entire team, Pam Cho, Vice President of Early Learning Resource Centers, states “We are thrilled to be entering our 4th year supporting children, families, and early childhood providers.”