Children playing in classroom

Dr. Seuss

Cat in the Hat Returns
Dr. Seuss never fails to amuse our youngsters in Head Start! And thanks to more than 40 community volunteers, smiles were wide when we celebrated the ol’ cat’s b-day March 2nd.

“Reading to children is essential to building literacy,” said Jane Ervin, CEO. “And community volunteers coming into the classroom tells the children that lots of adults care about them. But quite frankly, it’s fun to read to the kids!”

Many organizations promoted the event as a community involvement project, allowing staff to take time from their busy days to visit the children. Companies included PNC Bank (21 employees), Air Products (15 employees), Susquehanna Bank (7 employees), Bethlehem Fire and Police Departments (3), Easton Fire Department, Smith/Coleman Realty, Allentown Recycling Dept. Additional community-minded readers included Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski, David Ellowitch, Zac Cohen, and Megan Santucci. CSC Board members also participated: Pam Dent, Dr. Jarret Patton, and Melanie Wursta.