Children Safe after Bus and Police Car Collide Shortly before 10 am on Tuesday, March 27, 2012, a Head Start of the Lehigh Valley bus driven by Argentina Cordero was struck by a police cruiser in the vicinity of Oswego and Hanover Avenue, Allentown. The 15 preschoolers were unharmed, attributed to their wearing five-point Star Guard harnesses.
The bus driver and assistant teacher Missi Kupetz, also riding on the bus and responsible for child safety, ensured the children were safe and remained calm. Head Start dispatched a second bus to pick up the children and assistant teacher. They were delivered to their Head Start classroom on the Donley Children’s Campus, 1520 Hanover Avenue.
The bus driver was injured in the accident and was taken to the hospital by ambulance. The assistant teacher has been driven to the hospital as a precaution. Parents of the children were called and a letter will be sent home as well.
Driver undergoes surgery at St Luke’s BethlehemThe Head Start of the Lehigh Valley bus driver Argentina Cordero broke her arm in several places as a consequence of the collision between the police cruiser and bus the morning of March 27th. She is undergoing surgery at St. Luke’s Bethlehem.