CSC presents an all-day conference on methods for helping children with autism, ages preschool through 12th grade, on May 6, 2011. Featured speaker is Dr. Jed Baker, an award-winning author of many books on training social skills to children and adolescents. More than 20 organizations with services to offer parents and professionals on autism will participate in the resource fair held in conjunction with the conference.
The conference runs 8 am – 3 pm at DeSales University Center in Center Valley. Tickets are $75 for professionals (continuing education units available) and $20 for full-time students and parents of children on the autism spectrum. Continuing education credits available include Act 48, for Teachers, PA Board of Social Work Examiners, Speech Therapists and Psychologists.
Dr. Baker’s all-day presentation is entitled “No More Meltdowns: Handling Challenging Behaviors and Teaching Social Skills.” Students on the autism spectrum often have difficulty regulating their feelings and interacting socially. This workshop describes how to handle meltdowns and design effective behavior plans to prevent these moments and reduce frustrations and anxiety. The second part of the presentation details strategies to motivate students to learn, ways to teach and increase acceptance and tolerance from peers. He will use a combination of lecture, interactive exercises and video clips. The conference includes Resource Fair, lunch, and a Q&A period with Dr. Baker.
In addition to CSC, the conference planning committee included The Arc of Lehigh & Northampton Counties, ARCH of Lehigh Valley, Autism Society of America LV Chapter, Glenn Koch & Associates, Lehigh County Early Intervention,
Contact CSC for information: 610-437-6000, x 2112; to register on line.