Learn-at-home Resources

Learn-at-Home Resources

Many of you are under a stay-at-home order and responsible for helping your children continue to learn.  Here are some learn-at-home resources for you to use.

PNC Grow Up Great 

Since 2004, PNC Grow Up Great® has been helping children from birth through age five develop a passion for learning that lasts a lifetime.  PNC Grow Up Great offers free resources to help with the continuity of learning while young children are home.  Additionally, there are new tools, developed by Sesame Workshop and Fred Rogers Productions, to help parents address children’s fears and anxieties.


This vast resource of learning lessons is separated by grade range.  You may not need to go any further than this link to provide your children with lessons in all subject matter.

Khan Academy for Kids

Video library of content for kids to learn at home

PRE-K Activities at Home

Use these fun activities to make the most of time at home with Pre-Kindergartners that boost their reading, math, and critical thinking skills and their mental health. Click on the link and open the document. Have fun!

NAEYC Message in a Backpack

Turn laundry time into learning time! Whether you’re washing clothes at home or at the laundromat, there are plenty of things to talk about with your child. These rich conversations help to build your child’s language and literacy development. Try the following activities the next time you are doing a load of laundry.

NHSA Resource Page

National Head Start Association has provided a great list of learning at home resources.