A group of kids smile & laugh together

CSC Downtown

Putting children first graphic

​​Introducing an amazing place designed to put children first in Allentown! 

Building on the success of the Learning Hub and Neighborhood Resource Center at 6th and Linden Streets, Allentown, Community Services for Children is thrilled to be able to develop a unique, state-of-the-art Early Childhood and Family Service center! With 20 innovative preschool classrooms, and advanced family services spaces, the renovated 85,000-square feet building will serve as a demonstrable, lasting commitment to children! 

CSC Downtown will serve the most vulnerable of children and families, those at or below the poverty level, and working families struggling to meet the basic needs of living while striving for a more financially secure future. 

Long-term research has shown that children living in poverty face tremendous odds. The earliest experiences shape how we think and are as adults. High-quality early education such as Head Start can change the trajectory, providing both an equal opportunity and advantage for later success. Physical environments play a major role in setting the stage for a child’s attitude towards learning. Families who are engaged in their child’s education, have affordable, safe child care, and are connected to their community resources are far more likely to be healthy, financially stable, and have a bright future. Yet, too many families do without, having little to no access to the exact services that we know make a lasting difference. 

The renovated, expanded site will allow Community Services for Children, along with their partners to provide a one-stop hub of educational and social services in the area of greatest need. Specifically, the center will house: 

  • Head Start comprehensive preschool to 400 children
  • Advanced programming in Literacy, STEM, and Creative Arts 
  • Unique Innovation labs focus on critical thinking, creativity and innovation, communication and collaboration 
  • Indoor Fun and Fitness spaces 
  • Reading Room and Lending Library 
  • Creative Arts Studio 
  • A 5000 square foot outdoor Playscape for exploration of the natural world 
  • Unique summer learning programs for 200 preschoolers 
  • Elementary school transitions and readiness services 
  • Early Learning Resource Center programming, providing family resources and referrals to health, early learning, nutrition, housing, and social services
  • Private, family-friendly interview rooms 
  • The on-site application process to provide quick access to and financial assistance for high-quality child care
  • Technical support for child care businesses to promote quality 
  • Parent engagement and training opportunities 
  • Community Training and conference rooms 

CSC Downtown expansion will do more of what is needed, and make a huge difference for children and families, taking one huge leap forward in ensuring that every child thrives and every family succeeds! To make this vision come alive, we need your help.